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diagnosing multiple HPV infections

AID HPV Easy-Typing PCR kit – for typing high risk HPV and low risk HPV

Differentiation of high risk and low risk, single detection of 16, 18, 45, 6 and 11, group typing for HPV 30s and 50s

Discovery of HPV infection as a cause for a possible later cervix carcinoma was a milestone in cancer research and made HPV diagnostic an important tool for preventive medical checkups.

AID HPV Easy Typing Kit enables not only differentiation between high-risk and low-risk HPV types, but also typing of HPV 16, 18, 45, 6 and 11. In addition there is a group typing for HPV 30s and 50s.

The kit allows detection of multiple HPV infections and follow up of an infection.
It is suited for a screening for HPV 16, 18, 6 and 11 before vaccination.



  • Easy and quick procedure
  • PCR with subsequent lineprobe assay
  • HPV-typing for HPV 16, 18, 45, 6 and 11 and group typing of 30s and 50s in one step
  • Specimen: DNA from scrapes, biopsies and FFPE-samples as well as for oral and pharyngeal mucosa samples
  • Control bands on every strip show correct DNA isolation, amplification and hybridization
  • Results within 4 hours
  • Suited for automated systems
  • Evaluation and documentation with AID Scanning system
  • RDB 2270


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AID Scanner